Monday, May 12, 2008

Regina and Daniel crashed Flight 815

This theory is based on the following observations:
1) The map that Daniel gave Frank showed that he could not take a direct route to the freighter. He had to follow a bearing in a straight line for 40 km then at this safe distance change direction and head straight to the freighter.
2) The missile (payload) is one that had to fly a straight path. It was sent by Regina and did land exactly at the marker placed by Daniel. Assuming that the distance the payload travels is a constant then the differences in the time would suggest that it has travelled not through the dimension of space but time.
3) If the travelling at the wrong bearing causes a displacement in time, and as other people have posited here time travel only allows you to go backwards in time. Then my theory is that the payload appeared 96 days earlier and its trajectory took it across the flight path of the already lost flight 815. It may have only been at this point for mere seconds but long enough to cause the tail section of the plane to become detached.
4) Coupled with the magnetic pull being exerted from the island, the plane completely broke apart, due to Desmond’s delay in entering the numbers.
5) If Regina has realised this, then this explains her being depressed outside the freighter’s sick bay, reading but not reading. And accounts for her wrapping herself in chains and jumping off the freighter. She is experiencing massive guilt. And yet the only action we have seen her do is launch the payload.
6) Daniel cried when he heard about the crash of Flight 815 but did not know why. Perhaps his future consciousness from three months later briefly took over.
Let me know what your thoughts are.

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