Monday, May 12, 2008

Episode Thirteen Revealed (Major Spoilers Here) April Fools Day

writer on the final season 4 episode Alison Serrif was interviewed in the Aussie Sci fi Magazine, Beyond days.
She has said that the season four finale will be the most shocking yet as three major characters are killed.
The deaths of these major characters impact the Oceanic 6 andform the basis of the actions of the characters in season 5 and provides a deeper understanding of the flash forwards that were seen in season4.
No names are given but when asked whether one of the characters was Claire, the response was very enigmatic, “I cant answer that as it would be a major spoiler, but it probably wouldn’t be to those who have carefully followed all of season four”.
What does that mean?
A personal, revealing interesting look forward on our Losties!
Initially that is!
So let me know your thoughts, inital ones please.

Rimland_Thesis Apr 1, 2008 3:51 a.m. Comment: 1
Sun, Claire, and Michael!
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 3:58 a.m. Comment: 2
Please let it not be Sun, as how will she have her baby if sher dies?
Eva76 Apr 1, 2008 4:09 a.m. Comment: 3
I would say it is Jin, Claire and Michael. Sun has already been seen in a FF having her baby so it can’t be her.
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 4:20 a.m. Comment: 4
I hope it isn’t Claire as the writer wouldn’t give a clear answer. Surely not Claire as she is a perfect realisation in life for our other Losties. So for her to die would be initially devastating to the fans.
marzol33333 Apr 1, 2008 4:28 a.m. Comment: 5
I dont think Claire will die,dunno why…I would rather go for Juliette,Jin and Michael/perhaps a member of o6—sayid for a twist? what do you guys think
wtfsignmeup Apr 1, 2008 4:32 a.m. Comment: 6
hmm ..Im on high alert today, being April 1 and all.
Good thing about being in Australia is we get to prank the peeps at home all day and then go online and prank for another 24 hours!
Got a link?
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 4:40 a.m. Comment: 7
No just the Beyond Days Mag Volume 3 issue 5 dated May 2008, got mine in the mail today. Loved the story on Battlestar Gallactica and the next seaon outline. May try to download on net when it starts in the US. Sounded good, what did the other readers think? Sorry off topic
wtfsignmeup Apr 1, 2008 4:52 a.m. Comment: 8
I think I love BSG above Lost at the moment. Looking forward to next season too. Sorry for steering off topic.
As long as they leave Sawyer alone, Im cool with three deaths. Im going with Jin, Claire and Alex. But that wouldn’t leave many on the island for the 06 to go back for. Maybe one of the deaths will be the coffin reveal.
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 4:58 a.m. Comment: 9
Sayid surely can not die unless he dies in a flash forward, I had not thought of that as a possible result in Lost flashfowarding! Once our latest episodes are shown then can we say whether it is possible for charcters to die in the flashforwards! Interesting idea marzol!
cls1983 Apr 1, 2008 5:05 a.m. Comment: 10
There are some that say that Sayids FF was actually a flash back and that he worked for Ben before the crash and new about the oceanic 6 long before it happened
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 5:09 a.m. Comment: 11
WTF, what did you make of the boxing episode this season on BST? Man that was such a crazy episode but really looking forward to next season.
I dont think Sawyer will die as he is a pefect, really, indecisive loner. Fortumately our other lost female fans think that he is a stud, me man not so much. But love his nicknames and his humour.
wtfsignmeup Apr 1, 2008 5:19 a.m. Comment: 12
Im a Sawyer fangirl, so yeah..he’s a stud to me :)
If you’re talking about the Boxing episode with the flashbacks to New Caprica, that was great. Starbuck kicks ass.
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 5:26 a.m. Comment: 13
Actualy my aunty predicts roger is living from one other life for Ben’s Annie, and that there are two versions of lost happening at once. One where Annie dies in childbirth and one where Annie never comes to the island but grows up to be Danielle who also arrives at the island and somehow in both cases Ben has a child. One Thomas with the Annie that dies in childbirth and Alex with Danielle version of Annie. But hey what would my aunt know, she thought that Shammom was Jack’s sister.
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 5:28 a.m. Comment: 14
Yes WTF and Starbuck shows that she can kick ass better than anyone, but her husband, man what a loser.
macneil Apr 1, 2008 6:41 a.m. Comment: 15
Jin, Claire, AND Sawyer. The first two are obvious, and people don’t want it to be sawyer but it will be. He has no more purpose on the show. He had his love triangle thing, he met the real sawyer and killed him, what more can he serve to the show other than his death.
wtfsignmeup Apr 1, 2008 7:16 a.m. Comment: 16
I’ve got big hopes for a leadership role for Sawyer when Locke completely loses his sh*t after all hell breaks loose.
Rimland_Thesis Apr 1, 2008 7:56 a.m. Comment: 17
How about Juliette, Claire, and Michael. I just don’t want it to be Jin or Sawyer.
Annie79 Apr 1, 2008 8:54 a.m. Comment: 18
Some interesting spoilers from DarkUfo:
26-Mar-2008Several New Spoilers from TV Guide Posted by The ODI at 19:38 (Comments: 46) Labels: Alex, Ben, Danielle, Jack, Karl, Locke, Michael, Oceanic 6, Sayid, TV Guide
Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse provided TV Guide with several new details and what we should expect for the remainder of Season 4.
A bunch of great news and below is the rundown of the spoilers in the article.
1) We will learn “exactly” what happened to Michael between leaving the island and him getting to NYC.
2) Michael is a “pivotal” part of the end of the season and he will have an “impact” on many of the characters, including Sayid.
3) We will see how the Oceanic 6 “escaped the island” and what happens to those that don’t leave.
4) The Team Locke v Team Jack debate about who is right will “amplify”
5) We will learn who is in the coffin
6) More about the freighter people
7) We will also find out who “seemingly killed” Karl and Rousseau
BladeRunner Apr 1, 2008 10:01 a.m. Comment: 19
Claire and Michael. The third will be a surprise. Jin will be assumed dead by Sun and the others who leave, but we’ll know he’s still alive. Sawyer will be alive and Kates knows it. He’s why Kate fights temptation to go back to the island.
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 10:02 a.m. Comment: 20
so it seems Michael, Sayid and Claire are in a bit of peril, well initially I thought that a period rains in Lost flows over lagoons where Kate and Sawyer found the Marshall’s case, whereby Sawyer was going to last the distance. I can not see how they kill off three characters unless the deaths are occurring at different times.
Let us hope that it is not Steve or was that Scott?
tinywanker Apr 1, 2008 10:13 a.m. Comment: 21
Claire, MIchael, and Walt.
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 10:20 a.m. Comment: 22
Wow Annie those are pretty cool spoilers but I am feeling way concerned about Michael and his impact, it will annoy me if he is again responsible for more deaths. But it could happen, then Michael, Ana_Lucia, Nicki and Paulo can join that group that we just really hate to hate.
This post really has been a personal, revealing interesting look forward on our Losties!
Annie79 Apr 1, 2008 10:38 a.m. Comment: 23
Stitch, I’m feeling concerned about the role Michael is taking on also. He seems to be going down a dark road and he’s not very popular already.
Appolobar Apr 1, 2008 11:46 a.m. Comment: 24
I am with tinywanker. My prediction - Michael is in the coffin. He finally commits suicide. Claire will die during the actual rescue attempt. She will mean to leave the island but will somehow die during the rescue and that is why Kate has her baby. Walt - well he is just growing too fast. They cant possibly keep using him unless they explain some sort of time jump thing. I think Walt will die and that is when Michael will finally kill himself. Good riddance.
blondegop__ Apr 1, 2008 12:47 p.m. Comment: 25
Thanks for the spoliers Annie. Oh, almost forgot, thanks for well thought out insights Stitch!+1
blondegop_ Apr 1, 2008 1:17 p.m. Comment: 26
Well….if I am going to have an alter-ego, at least it is a nice one.
lockeko Apr 1, 2008 1:43 p.m. Comment: 27
blondegop_ is a fake. Please treat as such
julietmustdie Apr 1, 2008 2:42 p.m. Comment: 28
so they’re saying it’s 3 MAJOR characters? that seems very unlikely. I wonder if one or two aren’t not so pivotal, like one of the “rescuers”. I don’t think it’s Jin. I think they’re pretending he’s dead for some reason. claire seems likely. I think Michael is in the coffin but that his death doesn’t come until later (and I don’t hate him as much as most people). I’m hoping for Juliet or that she’s stuck for eternity w/Ben. so, claire, a not-so-pivotal character and Juliet.
lateralus Apr 1, 2008 3:48 p.m. Comment: 29 has a new update on episode 12. It says Kate will start flashing through time and kill Sawyer in real time and Jack in Flashforward time and then die herself because her constant is gone.
Appolobar Apr 1, 2008 4:28 p.m. Comment: 30
Lateralus, I think that is an April Fools joke. There is no way that is true. Someone posted about it and (though I dont usually like to look at spoilers, I do dabble) I read it. I think it is a joke of the April Fools sort.
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 5:36 p.m. Comment: 31
Hi Appolobar it was as april fool’s, you and WTF got it. I did plant some clues all the way through the post
Initially the following:
A personal, revealing interesting look forward on our Losties! (april fooL)
a perfect realisation in life for our other Losties (april fooL)
a possible result in Lost flashfowarding! Once our latest (apriL fOol)
a pefect, really, indecisive loner. Fortumately our other lost (april Fool)
aunty predicts roger is living from one other life (april fool) and
one almost
a period rains in Lost flows over lagoons (apriL fol) oops.
But the clues were there : Hope you all had a great April Fool’s Day, and the start of a bgreat April!!!!
Also thanks to WTF who picked up on the April Fools early but decided not to give the game away, and thanks to any others who also played along!!! There were many interesting points raised!!!
Now I really hope that we dont have three deaths in the finale or I will just crack up.
Appolobar Apr 1, 2008 6:07 p.m. Comment: 32
Haha! Good one, though. Got some riled up - there were even comments on other theories on this. SWEET, I love April Fools!!
wtfsignmeup Apr 1, 2008 7:09 p.m. Comment: 33
I was cracking up when you responded to my question with BSG diversion tactics :)
StitchExp626 Apr 1, 2008 7:32 p.m. Comment: 34
Still I also like the way that you acknowledged the scam and then acknowledged BSG and then was able to bring the topic back to those three possible dead characters.
It is so hard trying to create a meaningful sentence with the initials April Fool. I was really scraping the bottom of the barrel with:
aunty predicts roger is living from one other life (april fool)
but I was getting tired. Still a genuine thanks for playing along, just some harmless fun on April 1!
Namlesslinus Apr 1, 2008 9 p.m. Comment: 35
My theory: Sawyer (I have been thinking this for a long time) Claire Jin
StitchExp626 Apr 2, 2008 2:08 a.m. Comment: 36
Linus, I think that all three Sawyer, Claire and Jin are going to be still with us at season end. But if there are to be any deaths this season then I think that you really have narrowed it down to the three in the most danger. Hope you had a good April Fool’s Day … Stitch
rekLES Apr 4, 2008 1:40 p.m. Comment: 37
hmmm… i think claire is a good bet if they’re killing off characters… i don’t think she would send aaron off the island in someone else’s care unless she was dying…
michael is another good candidate… he already said he’s there to die, and was prepared to blow the freighter up with himself in it… he’s lost the only thing he cares about (walt) and will be making some pretty drastic decisions… he could do something to get himself killed to look like a hero, seeing as everyone on the island hates his guts…
we already know jin is dead (hurley and sun visit his grave), but could he have died on the island in the big season finale and just have a headstone in korea to give sun some closure…?
love all the theories…
StitchExp626 Apr 14, 2008 8:56 p.m. Comment: 38
Loved all the theories too, let us hope they are all not right though, or else there will be very few cast returning for Season Five!!!

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