Monday, May 12, 2008

AngeloComet's Blog

The Death Of
To all refugees,If you're reading this as an ex-member of the Lost-theories community and wondering: Now what? Well, same here. Unless Mr. J Croft has a change of heart it seems we're going to have to find another port to shelter under and discuss our favourite show. We're going to have to ingratiate ourselves into a new lost community and try and make some new friends.It's going to be weird. All the new people. The new ways. The new systems we'll have to get used to. But we'll find somewhere, someplace.So I post this here for those interested - so people can highlight good sites they think might serve our needs. Places that can take us lost-theories refugees in so we can gather again, and talk, like old times. Who knows, maybe (whisper it) we'll find some place better. . .In the meantime, this Lost Place will be here. It's not great because the conversation's kind of one way, but I'm not planning on giving up nor going anywhere. Feel free to e-mail me if you like, if you've got something to talk directly about, otherwise pop your suggestions in the comments and we'll take things from there.Any and all suggestions on the next stop are welcome. Together I think we'll work something out. We're smart and we're committed. Wherever we go next, I think we're all going to be in good company. . .Regards,AngeloComet
Posted by AngeloComet

Anonymous said...
Angelo I`m stunned, I was on losttheries every day reading brilliant theorys by you and others. Are we sure this isn`t a hoax? I keep checking hoping it will be back. I mean you can`t even read old theries, seems fishy. scottithedog aka Chris.
12 May 2008 14:51
Lojozz said...
I think its pretty genuine LT has gone. I'm out of practice but i'm sure with a little reading I can make a new site if needs be. However this will take time. So any suggestions of where to shelter in the meantime will be good.
12 May 2008 15:17
Lojozz said...
OK registered, looks like i'm doing this.
12 May 2008 15:35
Anonymous said...
Angelo, it seems the trolls (or we can now call them "The Keamy's") got their wish. However, we must not let them win the war. In the immortal words of Benjamin Linus they've "changed the rules." It's time to strike back. All of us who visited the site daily and contributed to make it what it was must pull together and find a solution. Together we stand, united we fall. GaryOC
12 May 2008 15:37
wtfsignmeup said...
Wow, I don't know why I'm surprised that Jeff finally had enough! Mind you, I hold him responsible for the entire L-T debacle.It was the perfect example of lunatics being left to run the asylum.I hope the good theorists backed up their work.I will be popping in to read your posts AClojozz, if you make a forum, be sure to make it moderated,by moderate people ;)Donna
12 May 2008 15:38
kahana said...
this can´t be true... !!!!! the theories, my life!! OHhhh..!!!!
12 May 2008 15:45
Anonymous said...
AC, you know I have always been a fan of yours & the trolls sent me packing from will follow you & lojozz to a better place.....Shannon (blonde)
12 May 2008 16:19
Anonymous said...
It's too bad that we cannot at least read the old theories. Everyone's theories were documented on that website and I about died when I saw it was gone. AC, I will be consistently reading your site and LJ, I await the new uk site.. (Thank you, thank you, thank you)Korinne (LaMer)
12 May 2008 17:00
Todd said...
Angelo, I was glad to see your blog pop up when I typed in your name. And yours was the first name that came to mind when I started looking for a remnant of the old community. I would assume that if this was true for me it may be true for many others. Maybe you should consider starting a site. I myself have thought of starting a site that would be geared toward looking at Lost from a Biblical perspective; but I have enjoyed (for the most part) because I like the fact that you get to hear so many different perspectives. I would love to be a part of a site that would be run even handedly.I will keep checking back. tr41c (Todd)
12 May 2008 17:26
StitchExp626 said...
Hi AC, Man this is a real sad turn of events. I am hoping that Jeff Croft will reopen the site, if not for new posts, then to allow access to the amazing archive of information and theories that sits there.The site had some recent positives with people like Mosh and his group photos and other contributors.My email is and I would like to hear from you about where else we can go to keep in touch and keep sharing theories.Glad you have this place where we can at least touch base!Thanks ACStitch
12 May 2008 17:41
StitchExp626 said...
If people want to get access to the theories you can google a search with the words lostheories and some key words. Google has these pages cached. So click on cached. This will be a short term solution as these cached pages will disappear over time.
12 May 2008 18:26
Anonymous said...
AC, I am still in a little bit of shock,that Jeff Croft so abruptly just ended it. I wrote him an email just so I could let out my frustations.I asked him if he might reconsider.I doubt if he will even reply.I hope lojozz will make a new site.katesawjack
12 May 2008 18:28
StitchExp626 said...
May I suggest we join up at might be our temporary new home!Stitch
12 May 2008 21:41
StitchExp626 said...
I also have set up a blog to help find our other LOST people.It is at
12 May 2008 22:11
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Dharma Stations Part 1: The Swan
Analysis: 4.1 The Beginning Of The End

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi all, bellaisola here, just point me in the right direction and i'm there...hopeless with any help building a site, but will be happy to buy the beer :)