Monday, May 12, 2008

The Lottery Numbers

The numbers that Hurley uses are just random numbers that make up the winning numbers in the mega lottery. If time travel is possible then it is possible that these numbers were being given to Hurley to ensure that he was to win the lottery amd be on the flight. It may be that it is this 160 million that is being used by the Hanso Foundation, Dharma Initiative to fund their work.
The numbers that Hurley uses are just random numbers that make up the winning numbers in the mega lottery. If time travel is possible then it is possible that these numbers were being given to Hurley to ensure that he was to win the lottery amd be on the flight. It may be that it is this 160 million that is being used by the Hanso Foundation, Dharma Initiative to fund their work.
So maybe Leonard is given the humbers simply to imprint the numbers into Hurley’s brain. Leonard seems more drugged than crazy and his response to Hurley that he should not have played the numbers is a response that leads Hurley downunder to hear more lies about the numbers.
Maybe the accidents that follow the win are not so accidental. The death of the Grandfather, maybe he would have died with or without the lottery win. The fires in the house and factory, maybe these were neither accidental but man made to fuel Hurley’s belief that the numbers are cursed.
Leonard telling Hurley about Australia and the story he found there, again to fuel his belief that the numbers are cursed. Using the numbers to win the lottery sounds reasonable but to believe that they could be used to win a bean counting contest. Not likely. Yet Hurley wants to believe that the numbers are cursed and this desire prevents him from critically thinking about the story. A story that is not likely but one that Hurley wants to hear.
What is set up for Hurley is the reinforcement both verbally and subliminally so that two event happen Hurley wins the lottery and Hurley is on the flight 815.
The numbers are not cursed, they are simply the winning lottery numbers and for some reason it is vital that these numbers are given to Hurley. Somehow these numbers and Hurley beief in their power will lead him to do something important on the island. Maybe at a point in time Hurley will react to an event and do something, some action that no one else would do, as only Hurley believes in the curse of the numbers. And this action may make all the difference.

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